Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Morning Play Date

Jireh had another play date with her pals, Mia & Jovie. The more she socializes with other dogs, the better her behavior becomes. I can't tell you the value of play dates, especially for first time puppy owners like me. I never would have crated if it wasn't for feedback from others.  Last night, Jireh didn't 'go potty' 30 minutes after dinner, and I had an appointment to attend, so I put Jireh in her crate for 90 minutes while I was out. The entire time, I was both worried and felt cruel about shutting her inside of a cage. When I came home, I let her outside and she immediately 'went potty'.

I learned today the importance of teaching the puppy to control his/her bowel/bladder, which is what Jireh had finally practiced. Dogs don't like messing in their den (aka crate), so they will wait to go potty. The crate needs to be big enough for the dog to stand & turn around, but not so big that they can potty in corner, while sleeping in the other.

Socializing is good, both for the dogs and owners.

1 comment:

  1. oh, potty training is the WORST. I love you, girl. Praying you are blessed today. Glad you are socializing :)
